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Open hours: Monday - Friday 6:00AM - 4:00PM PST
ATHLETES & Parents
When it comes to the college recruiting space, there is a whole lot of nonsense out there. Nonsense selling you on the idea that if you pay a ton of money and put your name in their system that college coaches will come flocking. NEWS FLASH....life doesn't work that way. Success is earned and never given. As a business coach I understand this principle. That is why I built powerful software to place student-athletes, just like yours, in position to be successful.
So become part of the Haystack today and place your kid on the road to college recruitment.
Haystack Sports is powerful software that not only gets your athlete in front of target college coaches, but also takes the guess work out of their recruiting journey. From our easy to follow built-in timelines, to our SMS notifications, to our college CRM, Haystack Sports is a must for the 98%.
Duh, Is putting on your shoes easy? Is turning on your phone easy? Haystack Sports was built for ease of use. So hope into the Haystack today and let's get you on the path to recruitment!
This is a GREAT question. Most databases are junk. Not ours. Our college database is updated 5 days a week. This ensures our contact information is up to date and our deliverability rate continues to be as high as the moon.
That's easy. OBSCURITY! The #1 reason high school athletes go un-recruited is because college coaches don't know who you are. Haystack Sports changes that.
That's another great question. There are 3 things that separates us from the pack.
Software- Our software is so good that there are only a few companies in the country that can compete.
Cost- Even the very few competitors that have similar software, (and there are only a few of them) cannot compete with us from a cost standpoint. Our overhead is lower which allows us to pass on that savings to you.
Skill-As a Business Coach and National Speaker, one thing I understand is business. Getting businesses from A to B is no different than getting athletes recruited. The principles and effort are the same. So jump into the Haystack today, and let's start your journey towards College Recruitment!
No. There are far too many scams out there telling you that college coaches will find you if you sign up for there membership. Basically, no work required.
At Haystack we will never tell you that lie. We give you the software so YOU can get yourself, and your game, in front of target coaches at the push of a button.
Katin Reinhardt
USC Trojans
As a recruited athlete, I know how important it is to be seen by college coaches. Haystack Sports allows you to be seen by college coaches at the push of a button. Super fast, super easy. If you're serious about playing in college and getting offers, Haystack Sports is a must.
Tyrick Roberts
Chowan University
Shout out to Coach Martin and Haystack Sports. After my senior season I had no offers so I reached out to Coach Martin and in a couple months I was blessed to receive my first DII offer. Athletes that are having a hard time getting reach outs, contact Coach Martin. Coach Martin and Haystack are a blessing.